DENIA’S sand dunes are having wire fences put up to protect vulnerable flora and fauna from unwelcome visitors.
Work started last month on erecting a 500 metre fence at Les Marines beach which amongst other things provides security for nesting birds.

The project should be completed by the end of March.
The initiative aims to stop people or pets walking over the dunes, where there is native fauna and flora, which can sometimes be damaged.
Denia’s beaches councillor, Pepe Domenech, said: “We have around 11 kilometres of sandy beaches, with half of them including sand dunes that need protecting.”
“During winter, dogs are allowed on the beach, but the fences will guarantee they can’t get onto dunes,” he added.
The dunes are home to a variety of nesting birds with the Kentish Plover as the best-known example.
It reproduces between the spring and summer, making it difficult to sometimes sort out safe walkways onto some beaches.