A HUNTING dog that had been trapped in a cave for five days has been rescued unharmed after a massive Guardia Civil operation.
Bomb squad officers were called in to help blast a way to the frightened pooch with a series of 20 ‘micro explosions’.
Once the narrow cave opening was widened enough, a mountain rescue officer crawled in and brought Kira the podenco to safety after an day-long operation.
It involved the Explosives Service of Madrid, experts in micro-blasting, the Explosives Group of Zaragoza, the Mountain Service of Jaca, Boltaña and Mora de Rubielos (Teruel), with the support of Citizen Security personnel from Alcañiz (Teruel).

Kira had last been seen chasing a boar in Samper de Calanda (Teruel) when she disappeared.
When she failed to return home, her owner spent four days scouring the countryside before eventually tracking her down to a narrow cave entrance using a GPS tracking device attached to Kira’s collar.
There he heard Kira’s barking but he had no way to enter the fissure,and Kira was unable to get out, so he called in Mountain Rescue.
They called in explosive experts, and after a day-long operation they managed to rescue Kira unharmed.
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