THE Olive Press team has decades of news experience under their belts.
Some even started in the days of ‘hot metal’, bashing out stories via ancient typewriters on flimsy paper with a carbon sheet to get a copy for the sub editors (note to youngsters: that’s what a ‘carbon copy’ means!).

It is fair to say the world of news has moved on since then!
First came computers, which helped speed up the production process, then came the internet revolution.
Now we can offer our readers many more stories on our website than we ever could in our printed papers. Yes, 20-plus a day, with over 30,000 of you already registered to receive them.
And we are not stopping there. We are constantly embracing change, always looking to the latest forms of media to get our stories out to new readers.
Be it Facebook, Instagram or TikTok, we have tens of thousands of followers on social media – and – like it or not – these platforms are a big part of our future.

One young man, teenager Alfie Clarke, is helping us make a name for ourselves in the ‘kids’ world’ of TikTok videos.
For us old hacks it seems remarkable that in just a couple of months his TikTok posts have got well over a quarter of a million views.
But his videos are not just informative, they take on board the good old fashioned news values we learned back in the day.
Hence, his maps of recent snowfalls around Spain at the weekend, have had 70,000 views, while his post on nationwide energy use, has had 16,000 so far.
It is a stunning achievement and doesn’t just help our global reach, but also gets youngsters engaged with a range of interesting topics and news each week.
It also shows the Olive Press is continually looking to the future with new technology – and with the young blood we have on board, that future looks good.
Want to engage with our million-plus visitors a month? Please get in touch at