4 Nov, 2022 @ 10:00
1 min read

WORLD FIRST: Gibraltar beats Britain to place Charles III royal mark on Christmas stamp set

823.1 2022

GIBRALTAR became the first country to print stamps bearing the mark of Charles III in a special Christmas edition.

The set, called ‘12 days of Christmas’ after the 18th Century British festive carol features typical presents given during this season.

A must for collectors, the stamps were designed by Stephen Perera and printed on high-quality gummed paper.

The stamp set is available at the Philatelic Shop on 104 Main Street or online via gibraltar-stamps.com, allowing anyone to buy them from anywhere in the world.

“We are honoured and proud to become the first country to issue a set of stamps with His Majesty’s Royal Cypher,” Minister for Portal Services Vijay Daryanani said.

“We all know what the Royal family means to Gibraltar.

“Although we will never forget Her Majesty we will now show the same affection to King Charles, King of Gibraltar”.

Chief Minister Fabian Picardo, who attended the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II last month in London, echoed his words..

“Gibraltar will be the first of His Majesty’s Realms to send His image around the world on our mail.

“I am delighted at this demonstration of our loyalty to His Majesty and the Crown.”


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