IT has only taken three years. But finally, American ex-pats in Spain have a fully-regulated financial advice firm to help take care of their investments.
EuroAmerican Financial Advisors launches next month after getting the green light from the CNMV, Spain’s financial regulator.
The Andalucia-based company is primarily specialising in the investments of American ex-pats in Spain.
Its goal is to help US citizens living in Spain take control of their investment accounts while complying with the mandatory tax regulations in place for both the US and Spain.
And although the team is headquartered in Sevilla, the company operates all over Spain.
To celebrate the launch, there will be a Rooftop Launch Party on November 2, in Sevilla.
This is an informal event and is taking place so that the company can establish itself in the city while getting to know potential customers and providing them with information about the services they will offer.
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