IN previous months, this opening paragraph has represented a short pre-amble, aiming to ease you into a comfortable and (hopefully) amusing story about some of ADANA’s many, wonderful dogs.
At the start of June, having read the last article, someone adopted one of the featured dogs, so now, instead, it is a most sincere thank you to all those who have been involved with their publication, as well as everyone who has sought to promote and share them.
Thank you so much.
As a result of everyone’s efforts, Kujo, a large, calm and affectionate mastin, has a new family.

The 2020s being what they are, every silver lining must have its cloud, and that cloud comes in the small but robust shape of Bulé, Kujo’s pen-mate, a pretty and intelligent sharpei cross.
To all who go on two legs, Bulé is a piece of joy; sweet, affectionate and so gentle that she will receive a treat with her lips, rather than her teeth.
Her teeth, along with her claws and not inconsiderable muscle, she reserves for those who go on four legs – most notably, other female dogs.

It is an in-joke, among volunteers, that Bulé is short for ‘Bulldozer’ as, if she has a mind to charge, nothing will stand in her way.
Not very many months ago, she would fly at any dog that came into range but over time, she has slowly improved and now, she will intelligently appraise even the most agitated dog, cool, unflustered and visibly daring it to approach her. Invariably, it will not, evolution having furnished it with impressive survival instincts.
Calm and gentle Kujo had always been the only dog that Bulé would accept as a pen-mate, but resources dictate that she must now share her pen with a new partner, so our summer mission will be socialising Búle. What a good job that we so enjoy a challenge!
Adoptions of large dogs, it turns out, are like buses – Andalucian buses turning up three times per month – and also getting the home and family they deserved, were London and Zack, two adorable (large) puppies whose stories have been covered in previous articles.

The two had been pen-mates since Zack arrived, around two months ago, so when a potential adopter wanted to meet Zack, she saw them playing and adopted both, unwilling to separate the two friends.
However, the 2020s rule continues to apply and so, as three of the big guys leave, a whole new, three, big guys arrive.
Venus, Jupiter and Marté are the new arrivals; a litter of three friendly and beautifully marked mastin puppies, still young enough to exhibit the endearing, gangly and dorky awkwardness common to pups of the breed. Already, their individual characters are clear for all to see:

Marté is the largest and also the most timid of the three, although friendly and affectionate, once the ice has been broken. He is very happy to meet other dogs and walks well, once persuaded, calmly and attentively crossing back and forth across your path, constantly forcing you to change direction, passing the lead from one hand to the other, as is standard for mastin puppies.
At the opposite end of the bravery spectrum is Jupiter, the explorer. Jupiter is the girl who wants to follow the ravine, climb the vertical rock-face and defeat the dark lord.
She is Lara Croft in mastin form, although rather keener on sausages, ear-scratches and belly-rubs than has ever been reported of the real Lara.
Venus has been very well named, as it is quite impossible to meet her and not love her. From day one, upon her arrival at ADANA, she has reacted to almost every situation by calmly approaching it and then rolling over, in the hope that it will rub her tummy.
This has proven a winning strategy, for Venus. Whatever the situation, it almost always ends up rubbing her tummy.

So calm and friendly have the three become, that they had been pencilled in to join the ADANA dog parade, in support of Manilva Pride. Naturally, come the day, Jupiter had managed to slightly injure herself and Marté decided he would rather stay home. Venus indicated a preference for tummy-rubs, which she successfully obtained.

Stepping in, at short notice, alongside London, Zack and Clancy were our four, friendly and enthusiastic malinois-cross puppies.

Drew, Kobey, Roby and Monkey are the final four of a litter of podenco – malinois cross puppies, with playful energy to burn! Friendly, enthusiastic and characterful, they stole the show, as a selection of ADANA dogs, along with many other ex-ADANA dogs who have been adopted, over the years, walked from Castillo to Duquesa port.

The event was a huge success (two of the dogs involved having since been homed) so thanks to everyone who helped make it possible. A full selection of pictures is available on the ADANA FB page.
Of course, if the world were perfect, I would have been delighted to take Lucky, my favourite monster, on the Manilva Pride walk. In that perfect world, he would have strode, attentively at my side, sitting patiently whenever we paused, and happily accepting the attention of even the most invasive, shrill and sticky child.

Alas, in actual fact, it’s the 2020s, so it would not have been possible. As much as one should absolutely dream, there remains the 100% probability that, at some point or other, just at the moment I least expected it, Lucky would have happened to someone.
If you would like to donate, volunteer or offer an abandoned dog a home, find more information on the ADANA facebook page HERE
- Shaggy dog stories: Meet the characters at ADANA animal shelter in Estepona on Spain’s Costa del Sol
- Shaggy dog stories: Diary of a volunteer at ADANA animal shelter in Estepona on Spain’s Costa del Sol
- The Lonely Boys: Shaggy dog stories from Adana animal shelter in Estepona on Spain’s Costa del Sol