THE grey-shirted ghosts of Whitehall (and Madrid) need to pay heed to the shameless way they have again sold thousands of expats up the river!
As if dealing with the shambles of Brexit was not enough.
We are now, yet again, in the front line of the problems being caused by Boris and co’s disastrous withdrawal agreement.
But when the man in charge is Grant Shapps, is it any wonder that talks have stalled this badly.

Photo: Wikipedia.
The tricky Transport Minister once ran businesses under the pseudonyms ‘Michael Green’ and ‘Corinne Stockheath’ to avoid declaring income outside of his job as an MP.
He was also exposed as having spent significant time editing his very own Wikipedia page.
But this is not just Shapps’ failure.
Spain must also take the blame. The very fact that it’s the only country, apart from Italy, forcing expats into the hard shoulder, says everything.
When even the French are being more favourable to us Brits, you know something somewhere has gone badly wrong.
The Olive Press is taking a stand and saluting the 95% of European countries who are letting common sense prevail.
We hope you will join our campaign and support it.
And just like previous campaigns to act on drink spiking, protecting our coasts or the mountains from golf developers, we will not give up.
With the backing of you, our readers, who pour tens of millions into the Spanish economy every year, we believe this is a fight we can win.
Send us your thoughts at and, of course, sign the petition HERE.
- Brits in Spain launch petition to call for driving licence recognition
- Absurd ordeal: The truth about taking a driving test in Spain
- Anger mounts over driving licence debacle for Brits in Spain post Brexit