THE temptation must have been enormous. But after finding a bag containing close to €14,000 in a bag in the street, one young man in Valladolid didn’t hesitate to do the right thing.
He came across the cloth bag in a square in the provincial capital in the northern Spain region of Castilla y Leon on Sunday and immediately took it to the local police station.
Once he handed it in and police discovered that it contained €13.960 they set about finding its rightful owner.

But within a very short time a distraught woman entered the police station to report that she had mislaid a bag that contained the takings from a week at the business where she worked and was going to deposit in the bank.
Once the Policia Nacional had verified her as the rightful owner of the money, it was returned and praise was heaped on the man who turned it in.
“We need to give recognition to people who do this type of good action,” said one officer to Spanish press agency Europa Press. “because noble acts like this are worthy of mention and recognition.”