AN officer from the Guardia Civil has been handed a six-month jail term and €300 fine for ‘insulting a superior officer’ after she complained about her boss’s body odour.
The Supreme Court has upheld a ruling issued earlier by a military court in Sevilla that found the unnamed female officer guilty of attacking the ‘honour and dignity’ of a senior officer after she filed a complaint.
She made a formal complaint over his poor personal hygiene insisting that he gave off a ‘fetid stink’.
She complained that in every dealing she had with him he had presented himself ‘in a careless and untidy manner’ and given off ‘a bad smell.
She said his uniform was stained with ‘a circle of sweat under each arm’ that created a ‘fetid stink’ that was ‘quite unpleasant’.
But instead of listening to her complaint, she was told to drop it and when she refused to, she insists that she was forced to visit the force’s medic to assess her mental health. She was then signed off sick.

Image from: Twitter @Guardiacivil.
The bad feeling between the woman and her superior officer reportedly began after a disagreement over a gender violence case.
The woman officer alleges that her boss demanded that she lower the ‘at risk’ status of a female victim in the Chipiona district of Cadiz despite reported threats of violence from the husband.
When she refused he took out disciplinary action against her and she retaliated with the complaint about his personal hygiene.