VIDEO footage of a pony being pulled through an Algeria street alongside a blue car has gone viral.
Passersby caught the driving horsing around on Friday and, in the spur of the moment, decided to record the unusual scene.
Now the video is jockeying for top position on social media after hundreds viewed the bizarre footage.
“Come on, this only happens here in Almeria, gentlemen,” the caption said.
Residents spotted the stud – and his mystery owner – travelling through the streets of Benemerita and at one point the animal was seen struggling to keep up as the driver approached a roundabout.
The Civil Guard and the Nature Protection Service (Seprona) confirmed on Saturday they had launched an investigation to identify and locate an individual who was walking a pony tied to his car in Almeria.
Let us know what you think of this bizarre scene. Should the pony and his owner continue their unbridled enthusiasm or will they have to reign it in?