3 Jan, 2022 @ 08:45
1 min read

WEATHER WARNING: Strong winds and 3-metre high waves to hit coastline of Spain’s Andalucia

Orange alert for strong gusts of wind 0

WEATHER warnings have been issued in parts of Andalucia due to intense storms, with strong waves and damaging winds forecast in Cadiz,  Almeria, Granada and Malaga.

According to Spanish weather agency AEMET, the orange warning for blustery wind and strong waves will be in place tomorrow, Monday, March 28, in Cadiz from 6am until 6pm, when it will then be reduced to a yellow alert.

Meanwhile a yellow weather warning will be in place from dawn in the provinces of Almeria, Granada and Malaga.

Force 7 winds along the coast of Granada, as well as in the western area and Almeria capital, with prevailing winds from the west will be the cause of the atmospheric instability expected across much of southern Spain tomorrow.

Conditions in Cadiz, Almeria, Malaga and Granada are expected to be hazardous for coastal activities such as rock fishing, boating, surfing and swimming.

As of tomorrow, cloudy skies are expected, with light rainfall forecast for Tuesday in areas including Malaga, Granada and Cadiz.


AEMET has also forecast that an Atlantic front may cross the Peninsula from west to east, leaving intervals of strong winds in Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea and parts of the Mediterranean area, as well as very strong gusts in mountainous areas in the north and east of the peninsula.
In the northern third of the peninsula cloudy or overcast skies and rainfall are expected, more abundant in the area of Galicia, where they could be accompanied by thunderstorms.

In the rest of the Peninsula there will be cloudy intervals, with a predominance of cloudy or overcast skies as the front passes through.

A significant drop in temperatures is forecast in the west of the Meseta with snowfall expected in the western Cantabrian mountains and Pyrenees.


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Cristina Hodgson

Half English, half Spanish animal person. Cristina loves writing about all things fitness, travel and culture, she is also a script writer and novelist. When she's not typing away, you can find her enjoying outdoor sports somewhere off the beaten track in Andalucia. If you have a story get in touch! newsdesk@theolivepress.es

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