22 Dec, 2021 @ 12:32
1 min read

Christmas winners! These are the top prize numbers in Spain’s famous El Gordo lottery

Loteria De Navidad 2021 En Madrid
Loteria de Navidad 2021 en Madrid Los Niños de San Ildefonso cantan los premios de la loteria de Navidad Cordon press

THE winning number for the top prize in Spain’s world-famous lottery is 86148, which was called at 12.12 on Wednesday.

Across Spain thousands of people were celebrating wins in the annual El Gordo Christmas lottery which is the world’s biggest lottery not for the amount of the top prize but because it distributes prizes totalling €2.4 billion.

Every year the tradition is the same, pandemic or no pandemic, with children from San Ildefonso school in Madrid singing out the winning numbers in a long televised ceremony that lasts much of the day.

Loteria De Navidad 2021 En Madrid
Children from San Ildefonso school in Madrid sing out the winning numbers. Photo: Cordon Press

The children rotate in shifts as they pick out prizes one-by-one on national TV as millions watch from their sofas, bar tops and phones for the year’s El Gordo number to show.

Most people buy small fractions of full tickets, with the most common purchase, a 20 euro share known as a decimo, offering a top prize of €400,000.

Generally people group together to buy shares in the same number meaning entire families, work places, friend groups or customers of the same bar all end up winning if there number proves lucky

Each share in this year’s first prize ticket which has the winning number 86148 will win €400,000. The number was drawn at 12.12.

The number which won the second prize, 72119, was called at 10.48am.  All tickets with that number, which sees each decimo holder win €125,000, were sold at just one lottery office  a kiosk in the Basque Country in the town of Basauri. Among the winners were members of a basketball club

The third prize number this year was 19517, which brings €50,000 prize to each decimo holder was called at 11:32. According to the National Lottery the winning tickets were sold at outlets in Valencia, Barcelona, Almeria and Badajoz.

The two fourth prize numbers 42833 and 91179 bring each €20 ticket holder €20,000 were sold at locations across Spain.

There are also eight numbers which one the fifth prize – bringing a decimo holder €6,000 each. The numbers drawn for the fifth prize this year were; 92052, 70316, 26711, 24198, 69457, 89053, 34345 and 89109.

El Gordo Winning Numbers

Here is a map of where all the Christmas lottery winning tickets were sold across Spain:

To check your numbers go to the official page HERE.


Fiona Govan

Fiona Govan joined The Olive Press in March 2021. She moved to Spain in 2006 to be The Daily Telegraph’s Madrid correspondent and then worked for six years as Editor of The Local Spain. She lives in Madrid’s Malasaña district with her dog Rufus.

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