SURPRISE visits to Murcia hospitality businesses last weekend discovered that 85% of them were breaking COVID health guidelines.
The region’s Health Ministry is using a nine-strong team of inspectors to check that rules are being followed.
Out of 28 places visited over the weekend, sanctions will be imposed on 24 of them for flouting health safety measures.
Nightlife venues in Murcia were allowed to return to full capacity a month ago.
Murcia Health Minister, Juan Jose Pedreño, said: “Faced with a new wave of infections, we cannot afford to let our guard down.”
Pedreño called on the police to increase their ‘vigilance’ and appealed to residents to follow safety rules, like mask wearing.
The coronavirus incidence rate in the region has gone up by 90% over a week to 135 cases per 100,000 people.
The main body of cases have come within family and social gatherings, which account for 86% of new infections.
Within that group, the largest number of infections are within the unvaccinated under 12 group, with parents requested to ensure that children wear a mask whenever possible.
Despite the rise in infections, the Murcia region does not appear to have immediate plans to impose new restrictions.
Image Credit: Cordon Press