An English language show written and performed by poet Teresa Juan Lopez hits the stage of Denia’s Teatro Auditorio this Thursday evening(November 4).
Based on her book, ‘Poems at five’, Teresa’s work is said to ‘move the skin and caress people’s inner feelings gently’.
The hour-long performance features Teresa reciting her poems backed by music and what she describes as ‘video-visual’ poetry.
Teresa Juan Lopez, 42, is into a range of arts as well as being a journalist and traveller.
She enjoys dancing, painting, music, photography and all expressions of art and beauty.
Her journeys have taken her around the world with a large portfolio of photos captured on her travels.
Her show, suitable for all ages, aims to bring in the audience and to inspire them into different branches of the arts.
That could be painting, dancing, writing or even by using their voice.
Admission is free of charge but reservations need to be made in advance up an hour before the 8.00 pm start time via
Image Credit: Teresa Juan Lopez