29 Oct, 2021 @ 10:30
1 min read

NHS COVID-19 pass now accepted across EU in move that will ease travel for fully-vaxxed British travellers

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THE European Commission has announced that from Friday October 29, the British NHS COVID pass will be accepted as full proof of vaccination, equivalent to the EU’s certificates

This measure will allow those who have been fully vaccinated on the NHS to prove their vaccination status when travelling. It will also serve as proof of vaccination when required to enter bars, restaurants, museums and public places, as is required in some European countries.

Spain has already been accepting the NHS pass after reaching a bi-lateral agreement with the UK but now it will be accepted across the whole bloc.

“Safer travel is a reality thanks to the EU digital Covid certificate, which is now the leading global standard: 45 countries in four continents are connected to the system and more will follow in the coming weeks and months. We are open to other countries to join our system,” said Didier Reynders, the EU commissioner for justice, in a statement.

Since August 2, visitors from the EU who had been doubly vaccinated with a single EMA approved vaccine have been exempted from compulsory quarantine on entry to the UK.

However, there are various inconsistencies between the two systems that have yet to be smoothed out.

For instance, in Spain those who have recovered from COVID in the six months prior to the first dose of the vaccine were not required to have a second dose but were considered to have full immunity.

However, the UK only accepts those who have the double dose (of all accept the Jansen vaccine which is a single dose) in order to be considered fully vaccinated.

Likewise those who enter the UK on a COVID pass other than the one issued by the NHS do not qualify for exemption from quarantine if contacted by the test and trace service.



Fiona Govan

Fiona Govan joined The Olive Press in March 2021. She moved to Spain in 2006 to be The Daily Telegraph’s Madrid correspondent and then worked for six years as Editor of The Local Spain. She lives in Madrid’s Malasaña district with her dog Rufus.

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