A RELAXED Boris Johnson has been spotted channeling his inner Winston Chrchill while on holiday on the Costa del Sol.
The Prime Minister is staying at the £25,000 a week villa belonging to billionaire Zac Goldsmith and decided to get his brushes out to dabble at a little art.
Johnson, who is known to be a huge admirer of Churchill and is rumoured to model himself on the war time leader, is following in Churchill’s footsteps, who famously painted more than 500 works.
But the UK press has taken very different takes on Johnson’s break in Benahavis, near Marbella.

Left leaning The Daily Mirror is unsurprisingly critical, saying ‘The country’s in crisis and his deadly mishandling of Covid is being condemned by bereaved families and MPs… So where’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson? He’s playing with his paint set at his billionaire pal’s villa – having fun Boris?’
The Star’s headline screams ‘What a load of Pollocks’

Equally unsurprisingly, right wing The Daily Mail is more supportive. It said: “No10 and Government figures have defended his right to take a holiday this week, with Security Minister Damian Hinds saying it was ‘important for the whole country’ that its political leader has time to switch off.”
But even then, the Mail Online still pointed out that Johnson ‘has come under fire for timing his holiday amid the chaos back home of soaring gas prices and empty shelves’.
- Better luck this time: Boris Johnson hoping holiday in Spain’s Marbella isn’t as disastrous as previous vacations
- Crown and country: But Boris Johnson’s holiday in Spain’s Marbella doesn’t play well to the crisis-torn subjects back in…