26 Sep, 2021 @ 22:03
4 mins read

How Do Testosterone Boosters Work To Increase Testosterone Levels in Men?

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All men have testosterone. Some have more than others coursing through their body. It’s an important hormone, the most dominant and arguably most important in men. Whether you realize it or not, you could have much higher or much lower testosterone levels than your brother, best friend, dad, or even your own son! 

In this article, you’ll learn all about testosterone. What it is, what it’s used for, and what happens if you have low testosterone levels. In those cases, men often turn to testosterone boosters – either from a pharmacy or their medical practitioner. So, testosterone boosters will be discussed in detail, too. If you feel you may need testosterone boosters or simply want to learn more about the hormone, read on to find out more. 

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone found in humans and other mammals. It is most dominant in men, though it is also present in females. The testes produce the most testosterone in males, but other glands such as ovaries and the adrenal cortex. 

Testosterone is important for men, as it increases sexual characteristics such as sex drive and the ability to sustain an erection. This is why many men wish to increase testosterone levels if they have any issues in this area. However, testosterone does have secondary effects on the human body. It helps increase bone and muscle density, while it can also affect the mood of males. Finally, testosterone can help boost red blood cell production and affect the way men store fat. So, it is clearly an important hormone in the genetic makeup of a male. 

Low Testosterone Levels

So, if testosterone does so much good work for a male’s body, what happens if they have low testosterone levels? How common is low testosterone in men? And, what can they do about it?

Low testosterone levels are quite common, especially in men over the age of 45. Within this age group, around 40% of men are affected by having low testosterone. The production of testosterone simply seems to wane over time, due to age. This can cause all kinds of effects in the male body, some of the most common of which include decreased sex drive, less energy, weight gain, poor mood, low self-esteem, and less body hair. Some of these would be more worrying than others, but regardless, it’s unsurprising that many men wish to boost their testosterone levels. 

Testosterone Boosters

So, many men turn to testosterone boosters to try and boost their levels of testosterone. Many of these come in tablet form, much like many other supplements and natural remedies. Some are simple over-the-counter remedies that require no medical prescription, while others can be prescribed by a general practitioner. It is often suggested that many of the over-the-counter medications are not as strong as they suggest, making them less effective than medically prescribed versions.

Many bodybuilders indicate that testosterone boosters are the closest thing to steroids, as they can boost muscle and bone density, energy, and workout strength.

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What is in Them?

Usually, store-bought testosterone boosters contain a variety of natural herbs and remedies that can increase libido, herbs that can boost the viability of testosterone in the blood, and aphrodisiacs. Often these ingredients include zinc, magnesium, fenugreek, ginseng, and aspartic acids. Good testosterone boosters help your body unlock its natural testosterone production whilst also tackling some of the negative effects of having low testosterone levels. 

For men with much more seriously low levels of testosterone, their doctor may prescribe them testosterone shots. These kinds of shots actually include isolated testosterone, whereas over-the-counter herbal remedies do not. Testosterone shots are usually given to older men or those with serious libido, weight, or bone density issues. 

Do They Work?

Firstly, it is hard to know on an individual basis whether natural testosterone remedies are working. Many people never test their testosterone levels, and if they did it only shows a snapshot of that exact moment, rather than regularly testing over time. So, without medical intervention, it can be hard to know exactly how well these supplements work.

However, many men report hugely increased sex drive and better moods when taking such supplements. So, they work on some level! If these natural remedies at very least tackle the negative effects of low testosterone, then they do work. However, it’s often hard to prove that they have increased testosterone vs simply helped battle the negative effects. 

Either way, if you do feel like you need testosterone boosters, the blood tests are easy to come by. So, you can test your levels at home or with a doctor, then try different medications and see how they work for you.

Benefits of Increased Testosterone

As mentioned, there are many drawbacks to having a low T level. Boosting this simply reverses those negative effects. You will almost certainly have a higher sex drive and be able to manage your weight easier. Your bone density may well improve, giving you stronger bones and a better base to build muscle upon. Tie that with better moods, better memory, and a healthier heart, and it seems that looking after your testosterone level is a smart thing to do.

Always Seek Medical Advice

If you feel like any of the above affects you, the best thing you can do is seek medical advice. As mentioned, your family practitioner will be able to do a simple test on your testosterone levels and offer advice on how to best tackle them. You may find that your poor mood or low strength is down to some other reason that only your doctor will be able to figure out. While these supplements are safe to take for almost all people, it’s still worth seeking professional advice. 

So, testosterone is important and can quite possibly be managed well by high-quality supplements. It’s quite clearly worth checking on your T levels, especially if you feel like any of the above symptoms are affecting your life. Remember, though, that your general practitioner is always there – and for good reason. Seek advice should you have any worries about your mood, physical abilities, or libido.

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