6 Jul, 2021 @ 15:45
1 min read

Man dies from wasp stings in southern Spain


A YOUNG man has died after being stung several times by wasps in the neck.

Named only by the initials JRQ, the 25 year-old man from San Martin del Tesorillo (Cadiz) was working in Casares with his father.

He was taken to hospital in La Linea in a very serious condition.

The deceased was not known to have any allergies to wasp stings.

Wasps Dies
The Town Hall of Tesorillo informs about the cancellation of the events (Picture: Town Hall of Tesorillo’s Facebook Page)

“Due to the tragic event, the Town Hall has decided to cancel the events scheduled for this weekend. We convey our deepest condolences to the family of JRQ” said The Town Hall of Tesorillo in its Facebook page.

It has not been revealed whether it was a common wasp or the Asian Hornet, which has caused several fatalities in Spain in recent years.  


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