30 Jun, 2021 @ 09:00
1 min read

El Melillero acid attack suspect sentenced to 21 months in prison for Benalmádena villa robbery

Melillero Salida Juzgados Fuengirola 1541856422 132816768 667x375

THE suspect in the sickening Cartama acid attack has been convicted of another crime while he awaits trial.

Jose Arcadio D.N. was found guilty of participating in a robbery in a villa in Benalmádena, where other members of the gang tied up the owner and put a gun to his wife’s head to steal money and jewellery.

The 26-year-old, from the Spanish enclave of Melilla, was yesterday sentenced to 21 months in prison for robbery, three months for reckless driving in the getaway car and another three months for driving without a licence.

Acardio has already received a two year sentence for threatening an employee of a Torremolinos restaurant with a gun and is currently awaiting a trial where he is accused of pouring acid over an ex girlfriend and her friend.

The attack happened on January 12 on Calle Cristobal Toral in the Malaga town of Cartama.

According to reports, Arcadia pulled up in his grey VW Golf alongside the vehicle of his ex girlfriend, and her friend and threw sulphuric acid through their window, leaving the pair with severe burns to their faces and bodies.

The attack was allegedly caused by the fact that the woman, known publically as Sandra, has split from Arcadio just days before.

Arcadio also was subject to a restraining order issued against him by another former partner after she reported him for a horrendous attack back in 2016.

Melilla native Jose Arcadio was well known to Police for his history of violence and gender abuse

According to a statement at the time, Arcadio spotted his ex in a night club in Marbella before starting an argument which culminated in him punching her and dragging her down a flight of stairs by her hair.

He then took her outside and threw her across the bonnet of his vehicle before continuing to punch her.

She managed to escape and informed the police who caught up with Arcadia after a series of threats were sent to her via a withheld mobile phone.

He was convicted with assault and gender violence charges and sentenced to seven months in prison earlier this year.

Alongside this, Arcadio had a total of 27 prior arrests under his belt for crimes such as manslaughter, abuse, robbery, assaulting a police officer and car theft.


Acid attack update: Main suspect identified

Kirsty Mckenzie

Kirsty is a journalist who has reported on news, entertainment, food and drink, travel and features since 2015. She lives in the south of Spain.
Got a story? Email kirsty@theolivepress.es

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