30 Apr, 2021 @ 09:15
2 mins read

Travel in Spain’s Andalucia: The 94 towns ‘banned’ by COVID-19

Police Checkpoint

AFTER more than three months of perimetral closure within Andalucia, residents in the region are finally able to move freely. Or almost.

There are currently 94 ‘banned’ municipalities in Andalucia which have crossed the incidence rate threshold set by the Junta which prohibits free movement— of which 20 will have all non-essential commercial activity closed because they register more than 1,000 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Granada is the province with the most restrictions, with 36 municipalities under perimeter closure, 10 of which see the closure of all non-essential businesses.

74 municipalites under border lockdown:

  • Almeria (5): Benahadux, Lijar, Pechina, Rioja and Viator.
  • Cadiz (6): Alcala del Valle, Algodonales, Barbate, El Bosque, Espera and Setenil de las Bodegas.
  • Cordoba (3): Castro del Rio, Benameji and Hornachuelos.
  • Granada (26): Benalua, Campotejar, Chauchina, Cijuela, Dehesas de Guadix, Durcal, Escuzar, Fuente Vaqueros, Gualchos, Güejar Sierra, Huetor Vega, Íllora, Iznalloz, Jun, Lecrin, Loja, Lugros, Marchal, Peligros, Pulianas, Santa Fe, El Valle, Valle del Zalabi Villanueva de Mesia, Villa de Otura and Zafarraya.
  • Huelva (4): Cartaya, Chucena, Lucena del Puerto and Rociana del Condado.
  • Jaen (15): Alcala la Real, Arroyo del Ojanco, Beas de Segura, Castillo de Locubin, Frailes, Guarroman, Huesa, Linares, Navas de San Juan, Noalejo, Pegalajar, Quesada, Santiago-Pontones, Santo Tome and Torreblascopedro.
  • Malaga (5): Alfarnatejo, Almargen, Cuevas del Becerro, Periana and Sierra de Yeguas.
  • Sevilla (10): Badolatosa, Casariche, Cazalla de la Sierra, Isla Mayor, La Luisiana, Martin de la Jara, La Puebla del Rio, El Palmar de Troya, Peñaflor and Villanueva del Ariscal.

20 municipalitesunder border lockdown AND non-essential activity closure:

  • Almeria (1): Santa Fe de Mondujar.
  • Cadiz (3): Bornos, Puerto Serrano and Villamartin.
  • Granada (10): Beas de Guadix, Colomera, Darro, Domingo Perez, Fonelas, Fornes, Huescar, Montejicar, Pampaneira and Salar.
  • Huelva (3): Almonte, Cumbres Mayores and Santa Olalla del Cala.
  • Jaen (1): Campillo de Arenas
  • Malaga (1): Alfarnate.
  • Sevilla (1): Villamanrique de la Condesa.

Twelve other localities of less than 1,500 inhabitants—Albuñuelas, Montillana, Orce and Quentar in Granada; Belmez, Fuente Tojar and Villanueva del Duque in Cordoba; Aznalcazar, El Garrobo and Lora de Estepa in Sevilla; and Santa Ana la Real and Galaroza in Huelva—will not have perimeter closure despite exceeding 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days by a decision of their respective territorial public health alert committees following epidemiological reports.

A recap on the measures that remain in place:
– Shops may open to 10.30am
– Bars and restaurants may admit customers to 10.30pm and must close at 11pm
– Curfew between 11pm and 6am
– Municipality border closure rules remain, except for municipalities with less than 1500 inhabitants in which case a ‘specific risk assessment’ will be carried out.
– Meetings are limited to a maximum of 6 people outdoors and 4 people indoors.

Incidence rate in Andalucia:

The accumulated incidence in the last 14 days is 225.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants on average in the region, with the province of Granada topping the charts with 400.8. Behind are Jaen with 301.9; Sevilla with 253.9; Huelva with 244.9; Almeria with 223.9; Cordoba with 190.0; Cadiz with 156.7 and Malaga with 131.1.


Cristina Hodgson

Half English, half Spanish animal person. Cristina loves writing about all things fitness, travel and culture, she is also a script writer and novelist. When she's not typing away, you can find her enjoying outdoor sports somewhere off the beaten track in Andalucia. If you have a story get in touch! newsdesk@theolivepress.es

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