ABUNDANT rain is expected in Malaga over the next few days.
According to the director the AEMET Meteorological Centre in Malaga, Jose Maria Sanchez-Laulhe, ‘half the expected precipitation for the month of April is expected to fall over the next few days.’
Precisely some 20 litres per square metre of rain is forecast in the province between midday today, Wednesday, until midday on Friday.
Additionally, the maximum temperatures will drop to 18ºC.
From Saturday and Sunday onwards, no precipitation is expected and the weekend will also see a slight rise in the temperatures once again.
Spain’s national weather agency, AEMET, is also monitoring the ash cloud caused by the eruption of the volcano La Soufriere.
The arrival of the ash cloud is expected as of today, Wednesday, and Thursday and will, likely, coincide with the forecast rain, although it is unlikely to affect the general public as it is moving at a high altitude, between 3,000 and 5,000 metres.
Sanchez-Laulhe has said that everything indicates the impact is likely to be mild for air traffic and very low for the general public.
“It is possible that the phenomenon will become noticeable with a change in the colours of the sky at dawn, like a candle,”, the weather expert said.