29 Jan, 2021 @ 18:36
5 mins read

LISTED: Every municipality which MUST close borders or all non-essential businesses from TOMORROW in Spain’s Andalucia

Five exceptions that permit travel between provinces in Spain regardless of COVID-19 lockdown Phase

ANDALUCIA has once again updated its list of municipalities which have crossed one of two thresholds relating to coronavirus restrictions. 

Dozens across the eight provinces surpassed as of Thursday a 14-day cumulative incidence rate of above 500 or 1,000 cases per 100,000 people. 

Those with a rate of above 500 must order the closure of their outer perimeters, while those above 1,000 must close all non-essential businesses, including bars and restaurants (with exceptions). 

READ MORE: What you can and cannot do if your municipality has been ordered to close all non-essential businesses in Spain’s Andalucia

The affected municipalities must remain under the measures for at least 14 days, even if their incidence rates lower to below the threshold during this time.

If figures fall below the threshold and remain there after the 14-day period, the municipalities can lift the restrictions, be it the closure of non-essential businesses or their outer perimeters. 

The lists are updated every Monday and Thursday. Those added on Mondays enforce the rules from the following Wednesday (two days later) while those updated on Thursdays enforce them on the following Saturday. 

See the newly updated lists for each of the eight provinces below. 


Newly above the 500 threshold: Marchena, Los Corrales, Olivares, Salteras, Brenes, Alcolea del Rio and Carmona. 

Newly above the 1,000 threshold: El Cuervo. 

Municipalities already above the 1,000 threshold: Algamitas (5,577), El Palmar de Troya (4,145), Gilena (2,656), San Nicolás del Puerto (2,349), La Algaba (2,291), El Saucejo (1,941), Pruna (1,575), Burguillos (1,503), Arahal (1,439), El Ronquillo (1,393), Los Palacios and Villafranca (1,342), Cantillana (1,291), Estepa (1,255), Las Cabezas de San Juan (1,181 ), El Viso del Alcor (1,167), Santiponce (1,145), Osuna (1,036), El Garrobo (1,012) and La Puebla de los Infantes (1,003), in addition to El Cuervo (1,010).


Newly above the 500 threshold: Larva, Marmolejo, Sabiote and Santiago-Pontones.

Newly above the 1,000 threshold: Canena.

Municipalities already above the 500 threshold: Alcaudete, Aldeaquemada, Arquillos, Bailén, Bélmez de la Moraleda, Carboneros, Castillo de Locubín, Cazorla, Escañuela, Fuerte del Rey, Génave, Hinojares , Larva, La Iruela, La Puerta de Segura, Jaén, Jimena, Linares, Mancha Real, Marmolejo, Martos, Mengíbar, Peal de Becerro, Pegalajar, Well Alcón Puente de Génave, Sabiote, Santiago de Calatrava, Santiago-Pontones, Santisteban del Puerto, Siles, Torredonjimeno, Torres and Úbeda.

Municipalities already above the 1,000 threshold: Arroyo del Ojanco, Baeza, Baños de la Encina, Beas de Segura, Begíjar, Cabra del Santo Cristo , Campillo de Arenas, Canena, Castellar, Cazalilla, Chiclana de Segura, Guarromán, Hornos de Segura, Huelma, Ibros, Jamilena, Jódar, Los Villares, Lupión, Navas de San Juan, Noalejo, Orcera, Quesada, Rus, Santo Tomé, Segura de la Sierra, Torreblascopedro, Torredelcampo, Torreperogil, Valdepeñas de Jaén, Villacarrillo, Villanueva del Arzobispo, Villarrodrigo and Villatorres.


Newly above 500 threshold: Carcabuey, Espejo, Villanueva del Rey and Villa.

Newly above 1,000 threshold: Villanueva del Duque, Almodóvar del Río and Montemayor.

Full list of those above 500 threshold: Almedinilla, Cabra, Cañete de las Torres, Carcabuey, Castro del Río, Córdoba capital, Doña Mencía, Espejo, Espiel, Guadalcázar , Hornachuelos, La Carlota, La Victoria, Lucena, Luque, Montalbán de Córdoba, Montilla, Palenciana, Posadas, Santa Eufemia, Villafranca de Córdoba, Villaharta, Villanueva de Córdoba, Villanueva del Rey, Villaviciosa and Zuheros.

Full list of those above 1,000 threshold: Alcaracejos, Almodóvar del Río, Añora, Belalcázar, Belmez, Benamejí, Dos Torres, El Carpio, El Guijo, Encinas Reales, Fernán Núñez, Fuente la Lancha, Fuente Obejuna, Hinojosa del Duque, Iznájar, La Granjuela, La Guijarrosa, Los Blázquez, Montemayor, Moriles, Nueva Carteya, Obejo, Palma del Río, Pedroche, Peñarroya- Pueblonuevo, Pozoblanco, La Rambla, Rute, San Sebastián de los Ballesteros, Torrecampo, Valsequillo and Villanueva del Duque.


Newly above 500 threshold: Bayarcal and Alicun. 

Newly above 1,000 threshold: Huercal de Almeria, Tijola and Bentarique.

Already above 500 threshold: Bédar, Beires, Bentarique, Canjáyar, Cantoria, El Ejido, Felix, Huécija, Huércal de Almería, Huércal-Overa, Líjar, Lucainena de las Torres, Padules, Pulpí, Roquetas de Mar, Tíjola, Vícar and Zurgena.

Already above 1,000 threshold: Abla, Adra, Albox, Alhama de Almería, Almería, Almócita, Antas, Arboleas, Armuña de Almanzora, Bacares, Balanegra , Benahadux, Carboneras, Cóbdar, Cuevas del Almanzora, Chirivel, Fines, Fiñana, Gádor, Los Gallardos, Garrucha, Gérgal, Laújar de Andarax, Macael, María, Mojácar, Níjar, Olula del Río, Oria, Partaloa, Pechina, Purchena, Rioja, Santa Cruz de Marchena, Serón, Sorbas, Tabernas, Taberno, Turre, Urrácal, Vélez Blanco, Vélez Rubio, Vera and Viator.


Newly above 500 threshold: Palos de la Frontera, Gibraleón, Trigueros, Zalamea la Real and Bonares.

Already above 500 threshold: Alosno, Aroche, Bollullos Par del Condado, Bonares, Cabezas Rubias, Chucena, Corteconcepción, Cortegana, El Almendro, Escacena del Campo, Gibraleón, Higuera de la Sierra, Huelva capital, La Nava , Manzanilla, Minas de Riotinto, Moguer, Nerva, Palos de la Frontera, Puebla de Guzmán, Rociana del Condado, San Juan del Puerto, Trigueros, Villablanca and Zalamea la Real.

Already above 1,000 threshold: Aljaraque, Aracena, Ayamonte, Beas, Berrocal, Calañas, Cartaya, Castaño del Robledo, El Cerro de Andévalo, Encinasola, Isla Cristina, La Palma del Condado, Lepe, Paymogo, Punta Umbría, San Bartolomé de la Torre, Villalba del Alcor, Villanueva de las Cruces, Villanueva de los Castillejos and Villarrasa.


Newly above 500 threshold: Benamargosa, Colmenar, Iznate, Istán, Fuente de Piedra, Villanueva de Tapia and Macharaviaya. 

Newly above 1,000 threshold: Pizarra. 

Full list of towns above 500 threshold: Algarrobo, Almáchar, Alozaina, Antequera, Archez, Archidona, Benalmádena, Benamargosa, Canillas de Albaida, Campillos, Carratraca, Casares, Colmenar, Comares, Cortes de la Frontera, Cuevas de San Marcos, Cártama, Fuengirola, Fuente de Piedra, Gaucín, Genalguacil, Humilladero, Istán, Iznate, Macharaviaya, Mijas, Montejaque, Málaga, Ojén, Periana, Rincón de la Victoria, Riogordo, Sayalonga, Torremolinos, Torrox, Totalán, Villanueva de la Concepción, Villanueva de Tapia, Viñuela and Yunquera. 

Full list of those above 1,000: Alameda, Alcaucín, Alfarnate, Alfarnatejo, Algatocín, Alhaurín de la Torre, Alhaurín el Grande, Almargen, Álora, Ardales, Arriate, Benamocarra, Benarrabá, Cartajima, Casabermeja, Cañete la Real, Coín, Cútar, El Borge, Estepona, Faraján, Igualeja, Manilva, Marbella, Moclinejo, Mollina, Monda, Pizarra, Ronda, Salares, Teba, Tolox, Villanueva del Rosario, Villanueva del Trabuco and Vélez-Málaga.


Newly above 500 threshold: Dolar, Guejar Sierra, Otivar, Pinos Genil, Fonelas and Cortes de Baza. 

Newly above 1,000 threshold: Loja, Purullena, Zagra and Nevada. 

Already above 500 threshold: Albolote, Albuñol, Albuñuelas, Alhendin, Alicún de Ortega, Almuñecar, Armilla, Atarfe, Benamaurel, Benalúa, Cájar, Caniles, Cenes de la Vega Cijuela, Cortes y Graena, Cuevas del Campo, Cúllar, Vega, Churriana , Darro, Dehesas de Guadix, Dílar, Domingo Pérez, Dúrcal, Dudar, El Valle, Granada, Gójar, Guadix, Huétor Tajar, Huéscar, Jayena, Jun, Juviles, Las Gabias, Lanteira, La Peza, Lecrín, Loja, Maracena, Motril, Monachil, Montejícar, Montefrío, Moraleda de Zafallona, ??Nigüelas Puebla de Don Fadrique, Purullena, Quéntar, Salar, Salobreña, Santa Fe, Trevélez, Valderrubio, Villa de Otura, Zalabí Valley, Vegas del Genil, Velez de Benaúdalla, Villanueva de las Torres, Víznar, Zafarraya, Zagra and Zújar.

Already above 1,000 threshold: Alamedilla, Alfacar, Algarinejo Alquife, Baza, Beas de Granada, Benalúa de las Villas, Busquistar, Bubión, Calicasas, Campotéjar, Capileira, Castilléjar, Chauchina, Chimeneas, Colomer a, Buds of Guadix, Buds of the Vega, Cúllar, Deifontes, Diezma, Escúzar, Fornes, Fuente Vaqueros, Gorafe, Guadahortuna, Huélago, Huétor Vega, Huétor Santillan, Huéneja, Íllora, Iznalloz, Láchar, La Malahá, La Tahá, La Zubia, Moclín, Montillana, Morelábor, Nívar, Ogíjares, Padul, Peligros, Pedro Martínez, Polopos, Pórtugos, Pinos Puente, Piñar, Pulianas, Sorvilán, Soportujar, Torre-Cardela, Turón, Ugijar, Válor, Ventas de Huelma, Villanueva of Messiah.


Newly above 500 threshold: Alcala del Valle.

Newly above 1,000 threshold: San Fernando, Benalup – Casas Viejas, Arcos de la Frontera, Benaocaz and Conil.

Full list of those above 500 threshold: Alcalá de los Gazules, Alcalá del Valle, Algeciras, Algodonales, Bornos, Cádiz capital, Chiclana de la Frontera, El Gastor, Espera, Grazalema , Medina Sidonia, Puerto Real, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Tarifa, Olvera and Torre Alháquime.

Full list of those above 1,000 threshold: Algar, Arcos de la Frontera, Benalup, Casas Viejas, Benaocaz, Castellar de la Frontera, Chipiona, Conil de la Frontera, Jerez de la Frontera, Jimena de la Frontera, La Línea de la Concepción, Los Barrios, Prado del Rey, Rota, San Fernando, San Martín del Tesorillo, San Roque, San José del Valle, Setenil de las Bodegas, Trebujena, Vejer and Villamartín.

Laurence Dollimore

Laurence Dollimore is a Spanish-speaking, NCTJ-trained journalist with almost a decade’s worth of experience.
The London native has a BA in International Relations from the University of Leeds and and an MA in the same subject from Queen Mary University London.
He earned his gold star diploma in multimedia journalism at the prestigious News Associates in London in 2016, before immediately joining the Olive Press at their offices on the Costa del Sol.
After a five-year stint, Laurence returned to the UK to work as a senior reporter at the Mail Online, where he remained for two years before coming back to the Olive Press as Digital Editor in 2023.
He continues to work for the biggest newspapers in the UK, who hire him to investigate and report on stories in Spain.
These include the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Mail Online, Mail on Sunday and The Sun and Sun Online.
He has broken world exclusives on everything from the Madeleine McCann case to the anti-tourism movement in Tenerife.

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