SHOPPERS will be counted in and counted out of shopping centres, as police are redirected from the social sector at 5pm.
That is the statement from Gabriel Bravo, Spain’s Interior Minister, as further restrictions are introduced to limit the spread of Covid-19.

The new measures to control capacity reinforce the maximum occupancy limit in the Valencian region, currently set at 30%.
He announced that police will intensify controls, and will be redeployed from patrolling social gatherings, as the 5pm ‘curfew’ is introduced in the hospitality sector.
Bravo has also asked that shopping centres have capacity control processes to count shoppers in and out, in real time.
Additionally, large TV screens should show the capacity information at the entrances.
Two major shopping centre organisations, Anged and Ceetrus, have agreed so far to implementing the measures.
Bravo explained that displaying such information, “will make it possible to objectively assess compliance and also record the data for future decision-making.”
The Minister of Sustainable Economy, Rafa Climent, was grateful for, “the collaboration that shopping centres and large supermarkets have shown from May.”
He continued, “most of these establishments have done their job well and comply with the measures so that shopping centres are safe spaces, but it is necessary that all centres continue with the maximum security measures for both staff and shoppers.”