A BRITISH expat has admitted he was wrong to doubt the dangers of COVID-19 after becoming infected while visiting the UK.
Marbella-based Richard Williams, 49, said he at first thought the disease was a hoax but began to have his doubts after ‘carrying out his own research.’
These doubts were confirmed when the Forex trader started to feel ill over Christmas while back in Birmingham, before testing positive for the disease on January 4.

“I thought I had just overdone it at Christmas,” the former professional kickboxer told the Olive Press, “because I wasn’t really a believer I just went with the whole cold flu thing but eventually as I was getting worse I had to get a test so Helen drove me up to the testing centre…I was a right mess in there, I don’t think people wanted to come near me, it was like a scene from Contagion on Netflix.”
Williams’ test on January 4 came back positive and his wife tested positive the following day.
Fortunately his daughter tested negative and went to stay with her boyfriend and his family.
Williams, who has lived in Marbella for 10 years, was told to self-isolate at home, but his condition rapidly worsened.
“When I was sat up freezing shivering at 3am night after night I felt so weak I just wanted to give up,” he added, “I felt like it was never going to end, my wife called the doctors every day for a week because I was getting worse.”
Williams said he was prescribed amoxicillin for possible bacteria in his kidneys and co-codamol for his aching joints.

“Even my wedding ring was painful to wear at times, my skin is so sore even a tiny feather feels like you’re being stabbed with a bread knife,” he added, describing how he has suffered symptoms for three weeks now.
“I have kept my smell and taste but my wife has lost both of hers,” he said, “today is the first time both my eyes have been able to focus properly.
“It started out like a cold runny nose and sneezing etc, but then the sweats really kicked in and these ruined me as I was waking up drenched in cold sweat, freezing cold and then roasting hot, that was probably the worst part.
“I also have dry mouth, aching joints, non-stop migraines, lower back pain and aching kidneys, all preventing me from a decent night’s sleep.
“We almost called the ambulance when my dry cough and tight chest caused real breathing problems.”
In a Facebook status, Williams declared that ‘the virus is real… it’s not a seasonal flu.’
He added: “I think I’ve been wrong to say it’s bulls**t.. I never believed in it and I wasn’t quiet in saying so… I do now and I’ve got egg on my face.”
It comes as conspiracy theorists around the world have claimed the disease is a hoax designed to ‘control the population’.
Wilder theories claim it is all a ruse to allow for a mass vaccination campaign so that Bill Gates can inject people with microchips, which is not something that Williams ever bought into.

“I have a lot of friends that are extreme in terms of their opinions and views,” admitted Williams to this paper, “But I’ve never been a conspiracy theorist, I’m still very much a rational thinker for example I’m not religious at all, although I do like to listen to what people have to say then make my own mind up.
“The main reason for considering it a hoax was the way it was being handled, really I tried to do my own research and analysis and there were far too many conflicting areas which added to my doubt.”
Williams added that he is still unwell but that Sunday was the first day he had got out of bed and got dressed in weeks.
He feels he is finally on the mend but says he is ‘still very, very weak.’
He added: “We sold our boat to get through the pandemic financially, we decided we’d stay in the UK until things blow over but I am really missing home and can’t wait to come back and dip my feet in the sea.”
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