ROJALES City Council has been told to return 103,000 euros to the Generalitat Valenciana.
For the third year in a row, the council that also covers the popular British community in Ciudad Quesada, must return the cash because it cannot prove exactly where it was spent.

The regional government is claiming that the funds could have hired teachers, administrators or a psychologist – all of which are needed in Rojales.
According to sources, another 25,500 euros was to be used for home help in the area, but the spending cannot be justified.

Spokesman for the Democratic Party of Rojales (Pader), Desiderio Aráez, blasted: “It is incomprehensible [that this should happen] in a municipality like Rojales, with the number of families that need this service to care for their elders.”
Records show that Rojales City Council has also been worthy of criticism in the past.
In 2017, they had to return over 85,00 euros, and almost 130,000 was returned in 2018.
Aráez continued: “We do not understand the negligence of the mayor of Rojales in this matter [and] why he has not taken measures in this regard.”
Pader themselves have come into criticism this year for forcing the same council to spend hundreds of hours and thousands of euros dealing with their complaints over fiscal issues.
READ MORE: Opposition party told to “supervise, not paralyse” after continuing complaints