29 Oct, 2020 @ 19:09
1 min read

BREAKING: Gibraltar residents WILL be able to enter Spain from October 30

Gib Frontier

THE Chief Minister said entering Spain from Gibraltar should be possible after the new COVID-19 measures come into force tonight.

CM Fabian Picardo told national radio that it was ‘not 100% clear’ whether Gibraltar residents would have a problem going into Spain.

However, the Government later confirmed: “We expect all persons to be able to cross for all purposes into Spain.

“People should familiarise with the rules in Andalusia when they are there.”

Picardo confirmed that cross-frontier workers registered in Spain would not have any problems travelling to the Rock.

“It is clear you will be likely to enter Spain and that you would be subject to restrictions that apply to every other individual in Andalusia,” Picardo told GBC earlier today.

This would allow Gibraltarians to visit Spain for shopping, going to a second home, taking a break or seeing family.

The new measures in Andalusia were announced yesterday and limit freedom of movement in various ways.

He urged people returning from a mid-term holiday in Spain to get tested on their return by calling 200 41818.

The Chief Minister of Gibraltar claimed he had created ‘a very positive relationship’ with the PP President of Andalucia Juanma Moreno during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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