I often get inquiries about extending home insurance policies and I have to say that Liberty Seguros have the best on the market in Spain.
Liberty have just added a number of exciting optional extras, which I know that you will find of great interest.
Here are some of the extras that you can choose from:-
- EXTENDED DIY – Currently you are covered for 1 call out per policy year on a standard policy, but this can be increased to 2 x 3 hour call outs per policy year. All work carried out comes with a 6 month warranty. When requesting the DIY assistance, conditions apply.
- REPAIR OF WHITE GOODS – has a maximum limit of €300 and 3 hours of labour.
- GARDEN PROTCTION – This cover has been extended and includes garden reconstruction and replanting of trees. The coverage for your garden furniture can be increased to €12,000 instead of the standard €3,000.
There is also cover for exposed pipes without causing damage located within garages or on a building facade that has suffered breakage with a limit of up to €500 per claim per policy year.
- HOME IMPROVEMENTS – Aesthetic restoration of building and contents can be increased to 20% at a maximum of €12.000 per claim per year and the contents at to a 20% maximum of €8000.
- THEFT COMPENSATION Over the theft of valuable objects/jewellery – jewellery over €6000 needs to be listed where on a standard policy this is €3000€. Also jewellery worth over €10.000€ needs to be kept in a safe compared to €6000 on a standard policy. Money and cash has cover of up to €6000 when kept in a safe. When the money is not in a safe, you have cover for up to €1500 which is only €500 on a standard policy.
- LANDLORD PROTECTION – For acts of vandalism by a tenant, you have cover for up to €3000 per claim per year, while unpaid rent covers up to 6 months once a final legal judgement has been made.
- LEGAL DEFENCE COMPLETE – Illegal occupation of your property covers up to the limit of €6000 for expenses incurred.
- PERSONAL MOBILITY VEHICLES – There is public liability cover for scooters, hoverboards, Segways and electric scooters though conditions do apply.
Please call one of my consultants to help with any questions you may have, and visit the website www.jennifercunningham.net or email info@jennifercunningham.net