28 Sep, 2020 @ 15:33
1 min read

Gibraltar takes on ‘Bre-vid’ perfect storm in LibDem debate

joseph garcia

A ‘PERFECT storm’ is brewing with the combination of Brexit and COVID-19, according to the Deputy Chief Minister.

Joseph Garcia said the consequences of this scenario could be felt ‘for years to come’ in a recent video conference call.

The conversation on Sunday was part of the Liberal Democrat party conference held online from September 25-28.

Garcia explained the challenges of a small nation like Gibraltar to deal with the pandemic and Brexit at the same time.

This was made even tougher by the fact that the same ministers and officials were involved in decisions on both issues.

He gave a basic outline of Gibraltar’s discussions with Spain and the UK over the future relationship with the EU.

The DCM stressed how he thought isolating the elderly saved lives and how the Golden Hour had been given approval by international experts.

“Dr Garcia went over the success of the aggressive testing and contact tracing regime in Gibraltar,” said the Government.

“He told the panel that over 45,000 tests had been carried out in a population of 32,000 and that this placed Gibraltar third in the World.

“He went on to highlight the serious economic impact of the pandemic and pointed to the provision of £150 million in the budget extension on Friday.”

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MEETING: Possibilities were discussed by these three in the LibDem meeting

The leader of Gibraltar’s Liberal party told Orkney and Shetland LibDem MP Alistair Carmichael how both Scotland and Gibraltar had voted to remain in the EU.

He admitted that it was useful that medicines were being stockpiled as both the UK and Gibraltar would leave the EU on December 31.

“Europe is in unchartered territory, in the sense that we face a pandemic with a threat to life and Brexit at the same time,” said Dr Garcia.

“This is a time of uncertainty.

“However, we can be certain that the economic, social and political effects of the situation we find ourselves in will be felt for a long time to come.”

The meeting was chaired by Director of Gibraltar House in London, Dominique Searle.

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