UP TO 60 PER CENT of people that are meant to be self-isolating over COVID-19 are lying about being at home, according to the Murcian Health Service(SMS),
SMS manager, Asensio López, claimed that patients who had tested positive for the coronavirus or had close contact with somebody who had contracted COVID-19 were not telling the truth when they received a check phone call.
Asensio López said; “I am getting a stream of reports from our Primary Care teams that people are lying about where they actually are.”
“There are individuals who are asymptomatic or have mild COVID-19 symptoms who just take a few paracetamol tablets and go to work as if nothing has happened,” he continued.
López said that he was sympathetic with low income households where staying at home was not a realistic financial option.
“Isolation is essential and the Health Ministry is working with local councils and social services to make sure that daily essential supplies are delivered to homes,” he pledged,