BARS AND RESTAURANTS in the Murcia region can no longer sell drinks and food to customers directly from their bar service areas.
The move has been attacked by Murcia´s main hospitality association who say they were not consulted about the ban.
The new restriction came into force today(September 4) on the orders of the regional government, and also covers service from windows.
Regional Health Minister, Manuel Villegas, said: “Providing this kind of service increases the chance of coronavirus contagion.”
Murcia’s hospitality association, Hostemur, described the restrictions as ‘another nail in coffin for their members’.
Hostemur president, Jesús Jiménez, said: “We were not consulted at all about this measure and the government is just coming up with restrictions that have no logic about them.”
Earlier this week Hostemur called on Manuel Villegas to resign.
“It has been shown that the rise in COVID-19 cases in Murcia is down to private gatherings and in home settings,” Jiménez added.