A FIRE that has broken out in Ardales is the fifth to have hit Malaga province in just three days.
The latest blaze is in the popular inland destination of El Chorro, according the Infoca forestry firefighting service.

Some 36 firefighters, three helicopters and two fire engines are on the scene.
On Sunday a fire broke out in Alcaucin, which needed a helicopter and 33 specialist forest fighters supported by a crew from a Malaga fire station to bring under control.
A fire in the early hours of Sunday morning forced the evacuation of 50 residents of Colmenar, who were allowed back home later on Sunday. Sixty three forest firefighters, a helicopter and four fire engines were needed to extinguish the flames.

Two blazes that broke out on Saturday in Gaucin and Almogia were controlled by 16 planes and helicopters.