A LANDLUBBER with an aversion to adrenaline sports, I probably wasn’t the ideal candidate to test out Manilva’s new 50mph jet boat thrill ride, Scream.
But determined to fulfil my life long dream of being a Bond Girl, I bravely strapped myself into a lifejacket, took a deep breath, and prepared myself for some serious adventure.
Much like Daniel Craig, pilot Stuart Donaldson knows how to make an entrance. I’m waiting at Puerto De La Duquesa, when I spot him in the banana yellow jet boat, white water spraying up either side.
As he introduces himself, he promises high speed, high adrenaline thrill ride for all – suitable for both water and cry babies (I place myself firmly in the latter camp).
“We’ll start off slow and see how you guys feel,” Stewart reassures us as we make a white-knuckle grab for the handrail. Stewart cranks up the engine and my heart races as the speedometer climbs from 10 to 20 to 30 and BAM – within seconds we’re whizzing along at 50mph veering left and right through the ice blue sea, leaving nothing but a trail of white foam in our midst.
With over 20-years experiences, Stuart adapts each ride depending on the nerves – and ages – of the passengers. Under 14s will get a gentler excursion whereas anyone over 14 can simply scream if they want to go faster.
With the breeze whipping my hair and the sun beating down, my fears quickly fade away and I imagine myself looking exactly like Honey Ryder from Dr No.

That is until Stuart pulls the boat’s unique signature move “The Submarine” where the boat crashes down and dips into the water, sending waves cascading over us and water up to our knees. We’re drenched but exhilarated.
The entire 30 minutes is hold-on-tight stuff and the speed alone would satisfy the most seasoned thrill seeker. But it’s the perfectly timed, 360 spin that, for me, really makes the experience… and I live to die another day.
Open April to September from 10am. Information or booking at screamjet.com (or Whatsapp 652 836 735); €35 per adult, €25 per child (under 14 years).