9 Jul, 2020 @ 08:41
1 min read

Business confidence in Spain’s Costa Blanca is ‘Big’ according to expanding local radio station

Torrevieja Panorama

COSTA BLANCA businesses are gearing up for the new normality, a local company has reported.

Big FM in Ciudad Quesada has seen a surge in clients looking to advertise again, after a three-month Coronavirus lockdown that nearly ‘killed off’ business in the Costa Blanca.

Big Fm Building
EXPANDING: Big FM in Ciudad Quesada

So much so that station boss, Richie Sparks, has expanded the operation on the back of buoyant business confidence right across the region.

“Previous clients were desperate to get back to business,” admitted the 55-year-old, “and they want listeners to realise they’re trading again.”

Richie Sparks

Despite having to make cut-backs themselves during the pandemic, the station kept broadcasting to satisfy its commitment to the community.

Sparks continued: “Our listeners and local businesses are the most important thing to this station, so it’s only right that we continued – albeit on a much-reduced budget.”

The Cornishman admitted: “It was such a severe lockdown, we thought many businesses would be killed off, but the resolution we’ve seen in this area is inspiring, with many being forced to diversify during the pandemic.”

Big Fm New Studio
HI-TECH: New studio

And such is the faith in clients’ confidence, the station has installed a brand new studio upstairs in the building it has occupied for two years.

Sparks added: “With improved broadcasting facilities and our new online portal that gives listeners and businesses a one-stop-shop for all things related to the Costa Blanca, we’re really heading for the Big time.”

If businesses would like to discuss different marketing options, they can call Richie Sparks on 965 997 222

The online portal that Sparks mentioned is www.CostaBlancaSouth.net

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