3 Jul, 2020 @ 11:58
1 min read

Outrage as huge luxury resort in Spain’s Extremadura built on protected land will NOT be demolished

Outrage as Luxury resort in Spain’s Extremadura built in protected area will NOT be demolished

VALDECAÑAS Island Luxury resort has been saved from demolition by the High Court of Justice of Extremadura (TSJEx).

The ruling, made public on Wednesday, has indicated that all completed constructions will be respected, while unfinished constructions will be demolished.

According to the ruling, the TSJEx considers ‘what has already been built does not affect the environment.’

After a 13-year battle between Ecologistas en Accion against the Junta and the developer of the luxury resort built in a protected area in the municipalities of El Gordo and Berrocalejo in Extrenadura, TSJEx ruled: “The hotel, the houses, the golf course and the facilities currently built and in operation will be preserved.”

The resort, near Navalmoral de la Mata, next to the Valdecañas reservoir, was declared illegal by the TSJEx and the Supreme Court in 2011 and 2014, respectively.

The ruling has outraged conservationists, who from the beginning have demanded the total demolition of the site.

Meanwhile, homeowners are rejoicing, knowing they will be allowed to continue spending their holidays in their properties.

The Junta will have to pay €500,000 in court costs, which will be divided equally between Ecologistas en Acción and Adenex.


Some €34 million would have been spent on total demolition and €111 million on compensation.

€145 million euros will be paid exclusively by the regional administration, which was the one who put a red carpet to the business initiative.

Firstly, by cataloguing it as PIR (Regional Interest Project), and later by modifying the regional regulations when the first ruling against it was made.

The partial demolition means that only unfinished constructions will be demolished.

This includes the framework of some houses and the concrete and iron skeleton of the five-star hotel, an eyesore on the artificial beach area.

The other buildings which have already been completed, including the four-star hotel, 185 homes, the 18-hole golf course, the clubhouse, the five tennis courts, the ten paddle courts, the two football pitches, the horse-riding arena and the two sports centres will remain untouched.

The process, however, is not over.

The order is appealable, once again to the High Court of Extremadura, who will most likely dismiss it before it can be taken to the Supreme Court.

Cristina Hodgson

Half English, half Spanish animal person. Cristina loves writing about all things fitness, travel and culture, she is also a script writer and novelist. When she's not typing away, you can find her enjoying outdoor sports somewhere off the beaten track in Andalucia. If you have a story get in touch! newsdesk@theolivepress.es

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