THE first five months of 2020 in Spain have been the hottest first five months of any year since records began.
The temperature from the start of January until the end of May this year has risen by 1.6? compared to the average for the same period.
That makes this period the hottest it has ever been since records began in 1965.
May 2020 has also been the hottest the fifth month of the year has ever been since Spain started keeping track of its temperatures.
Ruben del Campo, spokesman for the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) said: “It has been a spring with extremely hot nights.
“There have been tropical nights, even in early May, something that is extraordinary,” he added.
Beatriz Hervella, also a spokesperson for AEMET highlighted that internationally, the 12 months between June 2019 and May 2020 have also been the warmest since records began.
She added that May in particular has been the warmest it’s ever been worldwide.
“In fact, we can go even further, as the three warmest Mays worldwide have occurred in the past five years,” added Hervella.