13 Jun, 2020 @ 18:00
2 mins read

COVID-19: Spain, it’s time to take control of your financial future!

Chorus Control

CHORUS Financial’s Senior Partner Tracy Storer and I have a combined 15 years giving financial advice here in Spain. We’ve seen it all and our industry has certainly evolved during those years. We’ve seen countless advisers come and go, and it’s true to say that Chorus have been largely responsible for the short careers of many an IFA (independent financial adviser) here in Spain. 

The truth is, when we opened Chorus the vast majority of firms here were recruiting advisers on the promise of huge commissions and questionable sales practices. Almost none of them had experience as an IFA, and even less had anything that would resemble a recognisable qualification. So, they arrived in Spain looking forward to raking in huge amounts of commissions, only to find that Chorus Financial had begun a marketing campaign against hidden fees and poor practice that would go on to be recognised Europe-wide, earning Chorus many awards and accolades.

We’ve seen advisers of these firms drop off like flies over the years, leaving Tracy and I amongst Spain’s longest serving financial advisers. The reality is that running a successful financial services business involves a long journey, not short-term targets. Companies like Chorus survive and thrive not by taking huge commissions, but by building up a loyal and happy client-base over many years. 

This is why during this CV19 pandemic Chorus have been able to maintain our usual high standard of client service and industry leading portfolio performance. Because we have a long-term, client focussed business model, rather than one that relies on making huge fees each and every month to survive. 

What do you want and need as a client of a financial advisory firm? Do you want to know your adviser is making every decision based 100% on putting you first? Do you want to know that your adviser is fighting to get you the lowest possible fees and the highest quality solutions as possible?

Well, with the Chorus model that is guaranteed. We only take a low, transparent up-front fee, rather than a huge hidden commission, so we are absolutely aligned with your long-term goals from day one. By ensuring the needs of our clients are always put first, we also align the needs of our business by keeping our clients over the long term. This is a truly symbiotic relationship, and the only way a financial services company should operate. 

If your adviser has consistently put their needs ahead of yours, tied you into expensive products for years on end and put you into funds that paid them commissions (likely without you even knowing), then they have acted against your best interests. Forget the annual reviews, the friendly coffees and chats, most of this is just a sales spiel they have been trained for. The reality is, they have placed your financial long-term security at risk for their own selfish gains, and you should not continue to reward this. It is time to reconsider your financial future, and put yourself in proven, trusted hands. 

Chorus offers you the opportunity to take real control of your financial goals and outcomes, and build a long-term, transparent and honest relationship with your financial adviser. 

Whether you’re looking for a new solution, or have an existing plan, for example a QROPs, SIPP, or Spanish Compliant Bond from providers like Prudential, STM, Quilter PLC (formally OMI), SEB or Lombard International, it’s time to take control today. Call me direct on +34 664 398 702, email s.kelly@chorusfinancial.es or visit www.chorusfinancial.es for more information.

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