GUARDIA Civil have arrested a suspected burglar who hid in a tree after triggering a security alarm in a Guardamar restaurant last Tuesday.
Agents were notified at 3.35am that a security alarm had sounded, before arriving at the scene and finding no one there.
But a keen-eyed agent spotted the 42-year-old’s blue jacket 4 to 5m above ground in an Acacia tree.
The man refused to come down and resorted to throwing branches and rocks at Guardia Civil.
Firefighters were drafted in to see if they could get to the fugitive, but the size of the tree made it difficult to climb.
The stand-off lasted for three hours until the Guardia Civil decided to take matters into their own hands and agents climbing the tree.
The man leapt to the ground, but suffered several minor injuries in his fruitless bid to escape.
He was detained and charged with robbery, as well as resisting arrest.