THE Spanish government has approved measures for hotels to reopen this summer.
A report detailing mandatory measures to be taken in order to guarantee a safe service to customers and employees has been prepared.
The report, drawn-up by the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE) and supported by the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (Cehat) and the Institute of Technology for Hoteliers, outlines hundreds of stipulated regulations for each hotel department.
Specific criteria to reduce the risk of contagion and set health protocols will be applied. There will be a health and safety committee that defines establishments’ strategies and monitors compliance.
Below are the key measures to be applied:
- Safety distances between employees and clients must be guaranteed while ensuring that hygienic means are in place.
- There will be a maximum capacity and, in case the distance between employee and customer cannot be assured, screens will have to be installed, as well as the use of face masks.
- Floor markers for indicating the safe distances for queuing, card payment will be encouraged -disinfecting the machine after each use-, keys or cards must be deposited in a container with disinfectant and each employee’s computer must be disinfected at the beginning and end of their shift.
- No valet parking.
- Staff must keep their street clothes in a bag so they do not come into contact with their work uniforms.
- Cleaning staff may not enter the rooms if the client is inside and will need to wear a mask and disposable gloves when going about their tasks.
- All staff uniforms should be washed at 60 degrees centigrade.
- In the cafeteria and the restaurant, screens are to be set up.
- Common elements such as salt and oil shakers are to be eliminated and an itinerary will be marked out to avoid crowding.
- In the kitchen, the protocol established against COVID-19 will be followed.
- Areas where an event is to be held must be ventilated at least two hours in advance.
- Events should be designed so that capacity can be controlled, and safety distances maintained. If safety distances cannot be maintained, face masks must be used.
- Animation/entertainment programmes should take place outdoors, without exchanging objects and disinfecting the material after each activity.
- If the repair needs to be done with the client inside, the client is urged to wear a face mask and avoid physical contact.
- Air conditioning to be checked periodically.
- Decorations will be removed as will all stationary. No extra linen. Clothes hangers will be disinfected.
- Maximum capacity will be monitored to ensure safety distances and the distance between each machine.
- Used towels are to be left in a bin with a pedal opening.
- Collective classes must guarantee a space of 2×2 meters per person. No contact workouts.
- There should be a period of no activity between sessions to clean and disinfect, and the facilities should be aired several times a day.
- Drinking fountains to be sealed.
- All equipment used by a client to be cleaned and disinfected after each individual use.
- These areas will be cleaned frequently, and caregivers should wash and disinfect their hands frequently.
- The maximum capacity will be limited, customers will be informed of the limit. Face mask must be used if the lift is shared with non-family members.
- Water management and maintenance programmes remain unchanged.
- Maximum capacity will be monitored.
- Social distancing to be maintained in the pool area.