LESS than a third of Spanish voters think the nation’s coalition government is up to the job of tackling the coronavirus crisis, according to a new survey.
Only 31.3 per cent of Spaniards surveyed in the DYM Institute poll see the coalition government as capable of dealing with the pandemic, while 55.6 per cent said it can not. The rest were ‘don’t knows.’

Broken down by voter, supporters of coalition partners Podemos and the PSOE back the government to steer the ship through the crisis, with 65.6 per cent and 60.1 per cent respectively saying the current government can deal with the problem.
Just 0.5 per cent of far-right Vox and 9.5 per cent of conservative PP voters trust the coalition to handle the emergency effectively.
The message from the survey seems to be that many people want the political parties to pull together.
Some 46.1 per cent of those polled support the formation of a government of national unity drawn from the socialist PSOE and conservative PP, compared to 36.1 per cent against such a move.
Perhaps surprisingly, 48 per cent of those who voted for the PSOE back the idea, as opposed to 33 per cent who reject it. PP (68.4 per cent), centre-right Cuidadanos (62 per cent) and Vox (61.4 per cent) voters support the concept of a national unity government, while just 19.8 per cent of leftist Podemos supporters agree.
*This poll was taken between April 23 and 25.