27 Apr, 2020 @ 12:50
1 min read

Spain’s Balearic Islands call on government to set times for exercise from May 2 to avoid second wave of COVID-19

palma de mallorca

THE Government of the Balearic Islands has requested that the general public are given set times to exercise from May 2.

With the aim of ensuring that there is not a second wave of coronavirus infections during the next proposed relaxation of the lockdown restrictions, President Francina Armengol pitted her request to Pedro Sanchez.

Speaking via videoconference, she asked the Prime Minister to allow the islands to be able to schedule times for civilians to be allowed outside, which would vary according to a person’s category.

In this way, children would leave their homes at different times to the elderly or those with medical conditions.

While recognising that the central government has the final say on the rules, Armengol pleaded with Sanchez to listen to the wishes of the Balearic government before the full de-escalation plans are finalised on Tuesday at the Council of Ministers.

She said: “We will only move forward if we do things safely,” insisting on the need to avoid large crowds.

palma de mallorca
FREEDOM: Families descended on Playa de Palma on Sunday ©theOlivePress

Armengol acknowledged that ‘things were not done entirely right’ this weekend when children were allowed outside for the first time in six weeks.

Hundreds of families had flocked to the island’s beaches and open spaces, with a significant proportion not respecting the strict two-metre social distancing rule.

In regards to the economy and tourism sector, Armengol stressed that it needed to be reactivated as soon as possible but with maximum safety.

For this reason, she asked Sanchez to clarify whether the government will carry out mass COVID-19 testing at the country’s airports and ports.

However, Armengol insisted that ‘in order to open securely outside, we must first open securely inside,’ making reference to first reopening the islands’ shops, bars and restaurants.

The president once again raised the possibility of implementing a health passport, a measure she believes would guarantee the protection of the Balearic Islands.

This immunological passport would use technological tools to monitor variables such as tourists’ temperatures.

The innovative tool could also show if an individual has tested negative or positive for COVID-19, serving as proof that they have no risk of introducing the virus to the region.

Isha Sesay

Self-professed wordsmith living the dream in the glorious Balearic Islands. Working as a magazine Editor and Reporter for the Olive Press, I am fortunate to call Ibiza and my home.

If you have a story, get in touch! isha@theolivepress.es

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