SPAIN is the country that has the most coronavirus infections among healthcare personnel.
According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 20% of those infected in Spain are healthcare professionals.
In comparison in Italy that percentage is 10%, whereas in China it’s at 3.8% and in the USA at 3%.
The Ministry of Health reported yesterday that the total number of infections among this group is 35,295, 940 more than Thursday.
In addition, 37 healthcare professionals have lost their lives as a result of the pandemic in Spain so far.
Italy on the other hand only numbers 18,000 healthcare professionals who have tested positive for COVID-19, nearly half the number of its Mediterranean neighbour.
According to the Organizacion Medica Colegial (OMC), these figures are the result of the absence of ‘essential safety measures’ that should have ‘preserved the health of professionals’.
A spokesperson for the OMC said: “There were no masks for the workers.
“When they arrived, many were defective.
“At this point, there had not yet been a test for all doctors and professionals.
“You cannot face an epidemic of this magnitude under these conditions.”