18 Apr, 2020 @ 14:43
1 min read

Hunters blamed after bullet-ridden corpse of endangered Iberian Lynx found in Spain

2020 04 18_lince_iberico_01

HUNTERS have been blamed after the bullet-ridden body of a rare Iberian Lynx was found by a police sniffer dog.

Guardia Civil had launched a search after two of the highly endangered cats had gone missing.

Initially it was thought that the two – offspring of a breeding pair that had been released into the wild in the region of Extremadura in the IBERLINCE project – had gone in search of new territory.

2020 04 18_lince_iberico_01
ENDANGERED: Iberian Lynx are extremely rare.

But the police force’s wildlife unit SEPRONA launched a search when radio transmitting collars on the animals went dead in January.

They had last been tracked in the  Sierra de la Ortiga area of Don Benito (Badajoz).

Fearing the worst, they brought in a dog specially trained to find bodies to help track the cats.

It was the dog that uncovered a shallow grave that contained the decomposing remains of one of the animals.

A post mortem examination found bullets from a hunting rifle in the corpse. Forensic tests gave a time of death and this helped police track down the hunter alleged to be responsible.

He in turn gave police the name of a man who is alleged to have buried the animal.

They have both been arrested.

The Iberian Lynx is the most threatened cat in the world, according to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), and is classified as being in danger of extinction.

Police are continuing the investigation hoping to find the fate of the other missing lynx.

Dilip Kuner

Dilip Kuner is a NCTJ-trained journalist whose first job was on the Folkestone Herald as a trainee in 1988.
He worked up the ladder to be chief reporter and sub editor on the Hastings Observer and later news editor on the Bridlington Free Press.
At the time of the first Gulf War he started working for the Sunday Mirror, covering news stories as diverse as Mick Jagger’s wedding to Jerry Hall (a scoop gleaned at the bar at Heathrow Airport) to massive rent rises at the ‘feudal village’ of Princess Diana’s childhood home of Althorp Park.
In 1994 he decided to move to Spain with his girlfriend (now wife) and brought up three children here.
He initially worked in restaurants with his father, before rejoining the media world in 2013, working in the local press before becoming a copywriter for international firms including Accenture, as well as within a well-known local marketing agency.
He joined the Olive Press as a self-employed journalist during the pandemic lock-down, becoming news editor a few months later.
Since then he has overseen the news desk and production of all six print editions of the Olive Press and had stories published in UK national newspapers and appeared on Sky News.

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