FRIDAY! I should be excited. A few weeks ago I would have been ecstatic.
Today the kids break up for Semana Santa, Easter hols, which has always equalled chilling at the beach for a week, drinking up the sunshine with the help of a few sangrias.
This year I’m still struggling to decide if my holiday destination will be the sitting room or the kitchen.
Ironically, I’m pretty sure when this whole quarantine madness is over, I’ll need to stay at home in peace for a few days to recover.
Easter at home with no set homework, I’m dreading it already.
There will be no excuse to go over fractions either! (My favourite subject thus far, despite my initial reservation).

So it looks that additional rules will be needed for smooth sailing over the next couple of weeks.
Every item in the kitchen and use of electronic devices will now have to be earned (why didn’t I come up with this brainwave before?).

- Chocolate, crisps, biscuits: €5-10
- Popcorn: €20
- Fizzy drink: €25
- FaceTime with mates: €50
- One hour of iPad, PS4: €60
Point system to earn money:
- Make the beds: €5 (per bed)
- Sweep the floor: €10
- Dirty dishes: €20
- Laundry: €50
- Back scratch: €60

Perfect! I think I might just survive now, looking forward to my back scratch later too.
And who would have thought Monopoly money would exceed the value of real money?

Joking aside, I do worry that twenty years down the line, the world will be run by people who have been continuously bribed to do chores around the home while being home-schooled by day-drinkers…