THE first week of lockdown in London has come to an end.
The UK capital has been very quiet and that’s a testament to Londoners for trying their best to stick to the new rules in order to save lives.
On Thursday we had an applause for the NHS, similar to that in Spain where people take to their balconies.
I can proudly say that most streets went out in full force and thanked the ‘heroes’.
Supermarkets have a designated time for NHS staff to be able to get their essentials as well.
Yes, toilet roll shortage is a real thing, even in the city that seems to always have everything.
We also have queues at our supermarkets, just like in Spain.

I never thought I’d see the day, but in the last couple of days when I’ve driven past big supermarkets, I’ve always seen people standing at least a metre apart and queueing to enter.
Today I decided to try it for myself, very exciting, I know.
Everyday life has changed so much, that even a queue in the supermarket is now something that intrigues me.
The best part of the last two weeks however has been Sunday afternoons with board games and the family.
Notice how I listed the board games first.
It can get a bit tiring being around your family all the time, even though I appreciate how lucky I am not to be alone like others are throughout the world.
Bringing out the games that I haven’t played since I was 12 is one of those coronavirus silver linings.
I’m sure my dog on the other hand is treating this pandemic as full of silver linings and never wants it to end.

So here’s to all our furry friends, let’s make the most of it just like they are.