ICU doctors in Spain have suggested that there could be up to 86,000 deaths in the country, if strict measures are not followed.
Doctors and nurses have drawn up contingency plans to deal with the worst case scenarios of the pandemic.
The Semicyuc scientific society are basing their plans on the application of the FluSurge 2.0 software that was developed by the Centre for Disease Control in the United States.
According to the calculations made, the outlook seems quite bleak.
Taking as a reference the current situation in the most affected regions, the most likely scenario shows figures of 278,435 people hospitalised and 55,987 deaths.
However that figure ranges between 36,000 deaths in the best case scenario and 87,000 in the worst case.
According to the medical experts, we are currently experiencing either the first or second week of the pandemic – depending on what area of the country you’re in.
They believe that the peak will be reached in the seventh week, with 41,765 hospital admissions during that week and 6,673 admissions in a single day – occupying 67,412 beds, 74% of resources available from public hospitals.
Pedro Rascado who is the coordinator of the contingency plan spoke to El Mundo and said: “It is not about the forecasts, but the estimates that serve to calculate the need for resources.”