GUARDIA Civil will begin demanding drivers’ food, petrol and pharmacy receipts as Spain ends its first work day on coronavirus lockdown.
Spain’s rural police force will have powers to fine anyone not complying with the state of alarm rules, which forbid anyone travelling aside for eight main reasons.
People travelling for work-related reasons will also need special certificates confirming the necessity of their visit, with a maximum of two people allowed per car in such situations, according to Levante.
In all other situations, the Guardia Civil will demand drivers ride alone.
It comes as a Royal Decree was published on Saturday night, centralising control of the police and health system during am unprecedented 15-day quarantine period.
The closure of bars, restaurants, businesses, hotels, museums, venues and events has also been enforced across the country.
Residents are still allowed to walk their dogs, one person at a time – see more frequently answered questions here.
The Guardia Civil said denuncias can be made online at
The loss of any ID or belongings, the discovery of the same, the theft of any vehicles, theft inside vehicle, burglaries and damages can be reported through this channel.
The Benemérita has called for ‘compliance’ with these measures to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus.