CORONAVIRUS was discussed by the Gibraltar Government with UK officials in London meetings this morning.
The Chief Minister and his team spoke to UK minister Wendy Morton, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Public Health England about Gibraltar’s needs in the global crisis.
In Gibraltar, one of the biggest ever mobilisations ever is being carried out to prevent the COVID-19 Coronavirus getting a foothold on the Rock.
The public has been advised to avoid large social gatherings in new measures to combat the deadly coronavirus.
Government cash counters will be closed in an effort to stop the spread of infection through physical money and long queues with social interaction.
“All payments will be made by bank transfer and those who do not have a bank account will be helped to set one up for this purpose,” the government have said.
The Gibraltar Lottery is also to stop for 3 months to reduce the amount of queues and to increase social distancing between people
Morocco has ceased all transport to Gibraltar due to the virus.
The Gibraltar Government has urged all Gibraltarians to contact the the authorities if they are caught stranded on 54010919.
This comes after Gibraltar faced its first case of COVID-19 after a victim came back from Northern Italy last week, and 140,000 cases have swept the world.
The patient has since recovered and there have been no other confirmed cases of the virus.
Over 40 people are in self isolation after travelling, and Gibtelecom users are to get daily updates of the coronavirus situation in the peninsula.
Just across the border, Spain has seen over 4,400 cases and 120 deaths.

The referendum on abortion has since been postponed in fears that voters will be vulnerable.
Events with an expected attendance of over 100 people are either cancelled or postponed.
Gibraltar’s Drama Festival will be held behind closed doors and Gibraltar Calling has been cancelled over virus concerns.
Though events like National Day or Calentita have not yet been cancelled, this will be dependent on the progress of the virus in the months to come.
Many countries like Spain and Ireland have faced school closures until the end of March.
But the Gibraltar Government have announced that they will not be closing the schools as this would affect the elderly who would likely have to look after students at home.
“All available evidence shows that children experience very mild symptoms of coronavirus COVID-19,” said the government.
“We must all do our part to protect their grandparents, who will be affected worst.”
The public will see less buses as all routes other than the ones from the frontier will stop after 9:30am, the government has announced.
The buses will continue from 3:30pm until 6:00pm, but those over the age of 60 will not be allowed to ride on any buses.
A temporary casualty clearing station has been set up outside St Bernard’s Hospital to treat suspected cases.