MORE than 3,000 people have now tested positive for coronavirus in Spain.
A total of 87 people have died, while 189 patients have been discharged from hospital.
Madrid is the worst affected region with 1,388 people infected and 38 dead.
The Capital has closed all schools, along with the Basque Country, where 281 are infected and eight deceased.
Barcelona has seen 201 infected with four deceased, with all schools in Cataluyna also closed.
In La Rioja there are 185 infected and two deceased, while in Andalucia there are 138 cases in total, with 36 reported today.
The region’s breakdown of patients is as follows: Almera (four), Cadiz (11), Cordoba (three), Granada (eight), Huelva (one), Jaen (17), Malaga (84) and Sevilla (10).
In Italy 12,000 positive cases have been reported and 800 deaths.
Spain has the second most cases of coronavirus of any European country after Italy.