ON International Women’s day we could all learn a lesson or two from Spain’s Rosa Pich, who is the mother of 18 children.
International Women’s day is essential to raise awareness and help forge a gender equal world.
It is also a day to celebrate women’s achievements.
Rosa Pich is an inspirational woman to many and claims family is the ‘foundation of society.’
“The future of young women now looks very bright,“ she told the Olive Press.

“Women are well prepared and eager to change the world towards a more humane place, where the importance of helping others is fundamental.”
Parents have a fundamental role in shaping their children’s outlook in life.
Rosa never tires of saying that if a mother and father are strong, the children will be strong. Children should be the first to know that parents love each other, mostly because it bestows children with security and confidence.
“To the mothers and daughters of the whole world, know how lucky you are to give life!” she added.
“Nowadays we may live a 100 years where there is time for everything, but for a mother, time is very short. Don’t waste it!

“I tell my daughters to ask themselves: ‘What is your mission in this life? You were born at this time, in this world, for something, you have to discover it.
“A woman is happiest caring for her children and if she has a large family, she can consider herself very fortunate!”
Rosa, who lost her husband to Cancer in 2017, repeats frequently when giving lectures around the world that mothers also have to be a little ‘selfish’ and set aside time every day for ‘themselves.’
Even if it’s just 20 minutes to walk around the block, without a mobile phone, without anything that can interrupt those 20 minutes of vital personal time.
Rosa’s philosophy is that behind a great man there is always a great woman but also behind a great woman there is a great man.
An appropriate reflection for International Women’s day, where a gender equal world requires the respect and appreciation of both men and women mutually.