THE Snowboard World Cup event will take place in Granada’s Sierra Nevada this week.
Hundreds of snowboard fans are set to attend the hotly anticipated event that takes place on March 6 and 7, 2020.
Sierra Nevada offers breathtaking landscapes, luxurious facilities, kilometres of skiing, and exciting ski activities.
The beauty of Granada’s snowy mountains together with the sunny climate allows Sierra Nevada to rank as one of the best ski resorts in Spain.

The Snowboard World Cup event will feature Spaniards Lucas Eguibar and Regino Hernández.
Since Sierra Nevada installed the Sulayr snowpark on the Loma de Dílar, four major international snowboarding events have been held: the Junior World Cup in 2012, the World Cup finals in 2013, the 2015 University Winter Games and the World Championship in 2017.
The discipline of snowboard cross is also the one that has given Spain the most success in the recent history of winter sports with Lucas Eguibar taking World Cup wins, and individual and team world silver medals as well as Regino Hernández who won the World Championships team silver medal and Olympic bronze medal.
The new riders of the Spanish SBX team, Bernat Rivera and Marc Roure, will also be at the Sierra Nevada World Cup.

The timetable for the next two days is as follows:
Friday, 6
12:00 to 14:00 – Men and Women Qualification
10:00 to 15:00 -San Miguel Track Animation
16:30 – Public Draw in Plaza de Andalucia
17:00 – Live music with DJ Innmir
18:00 – Team Captains meeting
19:00 – Concert DJ Don Gonzalo
Saturday, 7
10:15 – Course inspection
10:50 to 11:30 – Warm-up
12:00 to 13:20 FINALS
13:30 – Awards ceremony
14:00 – Cup final party
16:00 h – Live music concert